Friday, November 15, 2019

25A - What's Next?

What I Think Is Next:
I think the next step Zenergy should consider is expanding to other college campuses. As of now, most of these cities on have cycle class offered through their recreational center. In addition, expand the studio set up to include other stress relieving aspects - premade healthy food for those on the run like smoothies, message studio, a quiet room, etc. In addition, another expansion would include more diverse cycling classes that have weights or resistance bands involved.
Existing Market Interviews:
  1. One interviewer said there is a cycling studio like this back at her home town. She attends classes regularly and enjoys all the amenities provided. In Gainesville, she wants a studio like this. She believes the next step for Zenergy is to implement the cycling classes at other college campus. Or maybe patent the classes and sell specialized instructor certifications to college recreational center (similar to Zumba).
  2. The second interviewer is a current cycle participant of mine. She said she would stop attending cycle classes at Rec Sports and follow me to a new studio. She constantly says she does not know what to do after I graduate. She enjoys the special aspects of my classes like building community, working for a goal, and breathing. When asking her what should I be doing that I have planned yet she said providing a discount for factuality and staff at UF and the college campuses. Even though they receive an income, they can easily surpass this opportunity and just work out for free or at a minimal cost at Rec Sports. In what is next, she talked about setting the mood of the class with the use of lights and candles. For example, make the morning and late classes feel like the sun is either rising or setting.
  3. The last interviewer discussed using a competitive approach for some of the classes. Like at Orange Theory, there are leaderboards for performance. Some participants enjoy this aspect; while it causes others stress. To weight out performance and knowledge, somehow creating a report for the participants that displays their effort, RPMs, mileage, heart rage, and resistance. This can also serve as a bench mark for each class and to improve their cycling performance. In addition, their can be a meditative report which includes time spent cleaning their breath, focusing on good, and a nice quote to get their day started.
The feedback really let me see how I can leverage Zenergy in the future and to grow the company. Being able to target a diverse group of participants is key! The three interviewers all brought different aspects to think about!

What I think make most sense is focusing on key amenities of the studio to enhance. I like the idea of using lights. In the more meditative classes we can make it more of an outdoor feel and incorporate sunlight. Contrary, for the high intensity classes, the lighting can serve as a dance club vibe. In addition the second interviewer talking about the staff and offering them discounts is an easy approach to increase my customer base. I really like what the third interviewer talked about. It is a great idea but a lot of overhead and expenses would have be involved to implement it.

New Market:
A new market which I have not considered are our international students. The University of Florida has a diverse group of students. Many of them come from countries that speak different languages. It would be nice to have an instructor who speaks either Spanish, French, or another language frequently. They could offer their classes in their native tongue and use music from their home country. This would help eliminate the social stressor in their lives by helping them find community similar to theirs back at home. It is key to ensure all customers feel included in our studio.
New Market Interviews:
  1. The first interviewer said there might be a challenge to find instructors who speak another langue. Instead, she said to reach other to student international clubs and have them book at session and pick the songs they would like to listen to. Even though they speak another language, they are still in America and trying to learn English. The music will lead the way and the participants can get the ride they desire through the non verbal cues of the instructor.
  2. The second interviewer believes this is only a select group of students. He thought it would be a waste of time trying to reach out to this segment. Instead, maybe having an around the world themed ride. This would spread diversity through inclusion and allow all ethnicities to feel valued and represented.
The second interviewer brought a good point about analyzing the cost-benefit of focusing on such an individual market. I like his idea about an around the world themed ride. This market does not seem as attractive to my existing one. I think there is a better new market to target.
On the other hand, it is extremely important for my customers to feel valued and included. This is a consideration to consider. If you have any ideas, please comment below.


  1. Christina,
    I enjoyed reading your post. You put a lot of great ideas forward. I think it’s a good idea to offer a variety of exercises, appealing to multiple target populations. In addition, I found your idea to target international students to be a thoughtful, creative idea. I believe that it would be a great idea to appeal to international students along with others with the world themed rides.

  2. I like the way that you were able to get multiple perspectives from all of your interviews which in turn you were able to turn around and make into productive changes. I definitely didn't think about international students so once again you are way ahead of the curve and I see how committed you are to providing these services to the most students not due to the financial gain but also the personal benefits each of your students will gain.
