Friday, November 29, 2019

30A - Final Reflection

Christina Thompson
Chairman of Rec Sports Board of Directors and Cycle Instructor

What sticks out to you as the most formative experience? The experience that you'll remember years later? What was your most joyous experience? What experience are you most proud of yourself for accomplishing?
I really enjoyed the blog post about one's "secret sauce." I was informative to understand myself and how I contribute to society. It made me feel good hearing and knowing my friends thoughts on me and my work ethic. I am proud of creating a venture concept which I could potentially open up one day. I believe this concept to be legit and I am extremely passionate about it. I understand all the factors which will go into creating, opening, and operating this service. If I do not open a cycling studio which infuses mindfulness and breathing techniques into the rides, I hope someone else sees the need for this and creates an impactful community which can help college students elevate their stress. All I can do now, I be an effective and intentional cycle instructor for my participants at UF's Rec Sports; as well as, listening to the needs of my peers and representing them as the Chairman of Rec Sports Board of Directions.
At the beginning of the semester, I mentioned that I wanted each of you to develop an entrepreneurial mindset. Now, at the end, do you see yourself as an entrepreneur? Do you think you have moved closer to developing an entrepreneurial mindset?
I 100% see myself as an entrepreneur. The concepts of business and their processes really intrigues me. Currently, I am pursuing accounting because one day I either want to create my own business or be in the C-Suite of a company. Actually, this past thanksgiving break my parents were reflecting on my work ethic since I was a little girl and said they see me accomplishing these things. I have always have had an entrepreneurial mindset. When I was little I created my own business cards for babysitting services and placing them at the salon my mom goes to, made a dog walking company, and even now developed a fitness and health Instagram (@ms_fit_foodie). This class has allowed me to see the logistics and hard work that comes with becoming an entrepreneur.
What is the one recommendation you would make to the students who are going to journey down this path in the future? What would you recommend they do to perform best in this course? What would you recommend they do to foster that mindset?
To be in this class, students need to be disciplined and effective with their time management skills. With this, students need to plan ahead and set goals when working on blog posts. By writing down and looking at what one needs to do in this class, allows for a clear focus on deadlines and accountability. In addition, I recommend them to invest into their peers blog posts and to provide constructive feedback. Throughout the semester, I believe I have fostered relations with the various students in my blog posts who have continuously provided constructive feedback for my Venture Concept. In addition, I provided more insightful comments to those who did the same for me. This feedback can help you alter your strategies by showing you their beliefs and one can learn a lot from others' perspectives. Also to foster an entrepreneur mindset, students need to believe in their product and service. They need to be passionate about their opportunity and to believe it can actually succeed. If they develop a concept they are not enthused about, their blog posts and work will become mundane.

29A - Venture Concept No. 2

Venture Capital No. 2 - Zenergy Cycling Co. 

  • The opportunity is to create a Wellness Cycling Studio called Zenergy. This is a cycling studio which creates a dynamic form of group exercise that fuses indoor cycling with meditation and wellness. The environment promotes an uplifting culture on and off the bike. There are a diverse group of classes which caters to an individual's workout goals. Each class should leave the rider feeling  energized and rejuvenated. The main mission of these classes is to decrease stress and increase productivity. Since our mind and bodies are interconnected, this will allow one to find time to relive their stress.
  •  College Students have a high need for this service since they are faced with various pressures to perform well. Students do not pause and take time for themselves and therefore the nature of this need is crucial. Through exercise, one can focus on various dimension of wellness such as exercise, nutrition, mindful, and social. Exercise and wellness can decrease mental health issues which are more relevant now compared to previous decades.
  • Factors creating the opportunity for this service:
    • Increasing awareness for mental health
    • Living in a more sustainable environment
    • Focusing more on their physical and mental needs.
  • Forces aiding to this movement:
    • Wearables
    • demand for healthy foods
    • new exercise services
    • health care costs
  • The main targeted customer group are college students from the University of Florida in the Gainesville. In addition, professors, Gainesville locals, and any able body person are welcome to attend classes.
    • This demographic is currently satisfying this need by taking group fitness classes at Rec Sports, going to YogaPod, and Orange Theory. As a whole, I would say out of all the students who try these services 20% are extremely loyal while 40% attend classes on a convenience base and the other 40% do not attend classes at all.
  • The opportunity to create a new and innovative cycling studio in Gainesville is somewhat big. Many students love cycling at a specific studio at home. Currently, the only place to attend cycle classes in Gainesville is at the Recreational Center. The classes offered her are great, but they do not provide the same quality of customer service and intimacy as boutique cycle classes. This window of opportunity is not opened for long. Gainesville has been rapidly growing and expanding. With this, there has been an increase in gyms and fitness related concepts. This past year they opened YogaPod, and now they are currently opening an Orange Theory.
  • For students:
    • Individual class = $15
    • 5 Class Package = $50
    • 10 Class Package = $85.
    • Unlimited Monthly Package = $100/month.
  • Note: The pricing structure of these classes is still below market rate due to college students' lack of income. Therefore, they need to show a valid student ID. In addition, rider's first class is free of charge.
  • For non students:
    • Individual class = $20
    • 5 Class Package = $60
    • 10 Class Package = $100.
    • Unlimited Monthly Package = $120/month.
  • Note: This prices of these classes still more affordable compared to other studios in the area.  First class is free of charge.
  • Our initial profits will mostly be from those in Greek Life due sororities and fraternities increasing our marketing and philanthropic efforts. We will contact these organizations to book customizable group rides at $10/person. The organizations can make song request. In addition, these rides can also be a fundraising event for a charity of choice.  I chose this market to start with because if one of these organizations partake in this service, it is extremely likely for others to follow this trend.
Venture Concept:
  • Students will buy my product if they are concerned with their mental and physical health. They will be able to attend classes on a weekly basis. We have a diverse schedule which will provide classes before classes, during lunch, and after classes. In addition, the studio will be located no more than 5-10 miles from the University.
  • Individuals with incomes my product to demonstrate community involvement and health awareness. In addition, they can promote this studio by word of mouth. Since there are many local health related restaurants and fitness clothing stores, there is potential for a joint marketing push. Consumers are looking to businesses to be responsible somehow, at Zenergy we offer a multiple of ways to give back to the Gainesville Community.
  • Sororities and Fraternities will buy these services because it does something good for them and their community. This is a new social initiative with brings awareness to mental health through exercise. A trend can be started here.
  • There will be a "switch" for customers to join Zenergy. The current cycle classes offered at for free through the Rec Center. To combat this, we are offering every first ride free. In addition, there are many discounts and advantages for students to attend these classes. For nonstudents, there is not a switch to start partaking in cycling since there are no other studios in the Gainesville Area. In all, we are keeping the costs relatively affordable because we know financials can aid as a stressor to mental health. 
  • Major competitors (they only offer a different service) -
    •  YogaPod, Orange Theory, and other gyms are competitors
      • These services have been offered to me, but I have not tried due to the pricing structure and better alternatives for group fitness.
  • Price points: This is very important for my services success. If I am too expensive, many students will not attend these classes. In addition, if my costs are too minimal I will not be able to profit.
  • Distribution: I would target Greek Life first to increase awareness of my product. Once a handful of organization have members attending my classes regularly, I will start bringing my glasses to Gainesville as a whole and team up with other local businesses. They can help advertise my company by putting flyers or coupons at company. This can help show their company is also dedicated to the mental and physical health of their clients. My logo will be unique and distinct so students can recognize it on stickers, shirts, etc. While I’m not expecting a lot of revenue from this last phase, it is important my services are recognized and build a positive community in and out of the studio.
  • Customer Service: Since the company is built upon care for mental and physical wellness friendly customer service is critical to the success of my operations. My instructors will go through auditions and interviews to ensure they are passionate about teaching and brining this mission / mindset to our community of riders.
  • Location: College towns; Preferable 5-10 miles away from campus
  • Employees:  I’m estimating around 10 employees to begin with.
    • Me - Owner and Operator
      • I will conduct HR Recruiting
    • 4 other instructors to teach the classes.
    • Student Intern - Marketing:  Will be in charge of social media awareness, website, gaining customers from their collegiate organizations, etc. The brand and image is crucial to Zenergy's success.
    • 3 front desk / student ambassadors – these employees can seek student that relate to this concept. In addition, they will be responsible for the day to day operations of the studio - like cleaning, checking in riders, and providing positivity to others who enter our studio.
  • Unfair advantage:  I believe one of my best recourses is my established social capital.  I already have an established network of cycle participants and cycle instructors. This leverages this business venture. I am able to gather feedback, try out this services, acquire employees, and create a community following before Zenergy is completely up and running. This unfair advantage is dependent on my "secret sauce" and how I interact with others. Since this resource is social capital, it can lead me to more clients, financial capital, knowledge, marketing coverage, and resources. These participants and Greek Life Contacts can and will be able to open doors to other contacts and perspectives I am currently unaware of.
  • What’s next: I want to spearhead charity rides based off of the University Athletic Teams. For example, having 15 football players ride in honor of Veterans. This will create amazing publicity for Zenergy, the team, and Dan Mullen. Also make my rides more inclusive for the international students at the University of Florida.
  • For Me: As an entrepreneur, I love to tackle more health related issues in an innovative way. Each day I try to bring goodness into the world and make the day better than the last. In five years, I hope to be launching Zenergy in Tallahassee and targeting the students at Florida State. In 10 years, I want to have launched another studio through out Florida and potential at other SEC schools like Georgia, Auburn or Alabama.
  • Feedback:
    • Admiration to keep the business private and in my control and sticking to the values of the company
    • Detailed and thoroughly planned out venture capital plan
    • Pricing Structure is effective
    • Creative to offer different classes and target all demographics of students
  • How I adapted:
    • Made the information more clear and concise
    • Added my outreach to international students
    • Did not include "Exit Strategy"

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

28A - Your Exit Strategy

1) Identify the exit strategy you plan to make. Do you intend to sell your business in the next 5 years for a large return? Do you intend to stay with the business for several decades and retire? Do you intend to protect the venture as a family business, and pass it down to your children?
I do not plan on selling my business in the short term and for a large return. I want to keep the company private and under the control of a limited amount of people. Because of this, I am looking to stay with Zenergy until I retire. Since Zenergy is a company founded off of exercise and mindfulness, I will most likely promote a manager // highly trained and qualified instructor to run the business I created. After I retire, I still will be investing into the company and have a say on our business operations.
2) Why have you selected this particular exit strategy?
I have selected this exit strategy because I want to preserve the mission, values, and culture of Zenergy. I do not want a contract organization to come and change the integrity of the cycling studio. In addition, Zenergy creates intimacy and family community among riders. If management is transparent and viewed as a peer, most clients will feel trusted in the services provided. Since I do not know if my children will possess the same passion for wellness and exercising, I intend to pass the company to someone I trust will preserve Zenergy's values and keep our customer's health a priority.
3) How do you think your exit strategy has influenced the other decisions you've made in your concept? For instance, has it influenced how you have identified an opportunity? Has it influenced your growth intentions or how you plan to acquire and use resources?
This exit strategy limits my growth intentions. As an owner and operator, I want to be seen by my riders and I want to be able to hear their needs. For the first couple of years, I will commute around the South East region looking over and teaching at few Zenergy Studios. If I see more of growth opportunity, I will consider franchising the business to a person who truly shares the same values and mission as me. In addition, the next owners need to be highly motivated, understand others emotions, and be dedicated to eliminating stress for others. Also, those leading Zenergy need to have a similar advantage with their social capital, human resources, financial capital, etc. They need to be able to financial support our mission, and have the community/resources to back up their studio.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

26A - Celebrating Failure

1) Tell us about a time this past semester that you failed -- whether in this class, or outside of this class. Don't spare any details! It'd be even better if there was something you tried several times this semester, and failed each time. 
I have failed on a multiple occasions throughout my life. Specifically this semester, I am failing to graduate "on time" as an accounting student. Through my critical tracking and comparison with my peers, I should be graduating within 3.5 years and in Fall 2019. I could have graduated this semester, but I choose not to for a multiple of reasons. With this, I learned the Masters of Accountancy program is 1.5 years and would take longer for me to complete and interfere with my internship/working timeline.
2) Tell us what you learned from it.  
From me stepping back and realizing pursuing a Masters in Accounting at UF is realistically not an option, I started to explore other paths. I learned I can obtain a Masters in Information Systems and still sit for the CPA. I learned I can obtain a Masters in Accountancy somewhere else and it will only take 1 year to do so. Our world and environment can many times place one goal, idea, or concept in a person's mind. Despite this, one needs to step back and consider all the factors. Think more about life in regards to systems not goals! In failing, one needs to access their options, what they learned from the situation, and how they can move forward.
3) Reflect, in general, on what you think about failure. Failure is hard, isn't it? It's embarrassing, sure, but it also means that we have to change something about ourselves. Talk about how you handle failure (emotionally, behaviorally). Finally, talk about how this class has changed your perspective on failure -- are you more likely to take a risk now than you were just a few months ago?
I am proud for the moments I have failed. Despite the resulting consequence not being exactly what I desired in the moment, I put myself out there, learned about myself and others, and developed a positive mindset about the circumstances. From this, I have become an advocate for failing and believing "failure is an option." In regards to involvement, I have applied for leadership positions and did not obtain them for multiple of political factors. When applying I knew my chances were slim, but I still believed I was the most qualified candidate and knew I had an obligation to uphold to myself to apply. After receiving the rejection, I took a step back, to a breathe, and moved on to see what I could do next to better myself and the world positively. I am a firm believer in sliver linings. A couple months later, swamped in Accounting studies and recruiting for the Big 4, I received a phone call about stepping into the role of the leadership position I applied for. The winning candidate was asked to step down. Proud of my failure and knowing my life was too busy for this involvement opportunity, I did not accept their offer. Having this experience gives me the confidence to take risk and to trust whatever happens, happens for a reason. This class and reading "How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big" by Scott Adams gave me more confidence in how I handle failure and how I can still win big from my life trails.  From the book I learned more on how failure needs to be embraced, learned, and leveraged to aid to future success. With these life lessons, Adams elaborates on his beliefs to stay motivated, fit, healthy, and happy will being slapped in the face when hit with a hard no. I live out many of his explained practices which gives me a positive outlook on life. 

Monday, November 18, 2019

27A - Reading Reflection No.3

Grinding it Out by Ray Kroc

Part 1:
What surprised you the most?
The book Grinding it Out by Ray Kroc shows the success of McDonalds. The success of McDonalds is contributed to Ray Kroc, not the original founders of the first McDonalds. Ray Kroc was an entrepreneur who was in the business for money and perusing the American Dream. Kroc himself did create the first restaurant, but instead saw the opportunity to create an empire of McDonalds based off of quality, service, cleanliness, and value.
What about the entrepreneur did you most admire?
I admire how Ray Kroc saw and believe in the potential of hard working Americans to run and operate his restaurants. At first, he used his social capital of high worth retirees as gain investors. Kroc soon realized they did not have the same attitude towards the American Dream and making money. In addition, Kroc viewed all his relationships as a win-win for McDonalds and the contributing personnel. 
What about the entrepreneur did you least admire?
I did not like the stubbornness of Ray Kroc. When it came to franchising, he started to completely take owner of McDonalds and tried to remove the original founders out of the picture. He broke contracts and created his own company as an offset. He transformed his concept to view McDonalds as more as real estate investments. At times, Kroc did not uphold integrity. In addition, Kroc was a workaholic and created conflict for his marriage. He neglected and then divorced his wife in 1961. That same year, Kroc spent $2.7 millions buying out one of the brother's stake in McDonalds.
Did the entrepreneur encounter adversity and failure? If so, what did they do about it?
At first, Ray Kroc had a difficult time being a sales man and investor. Many banks would not grant him loans due to unsuccessful products and elevator pitches. Prior McDonalds, he sold paper cups and multimixers. Due to his lack of progress in marketing and sales, many saw him as  a joke or crazy. In addition with the franchise, he created many new products to add to the menu of McDonalds. Some of these concepts "failed fast" thus he took them off immediately. Despite this, the main focus was still the hamburgers, fries, and shakes.
Part 2
What competencies did you notice that the entrepreneur exhibited?
Ray Kroc was 100% all into the business. He would watch over the franchises to ensure they were following every instruction, cooking time, meat quality, etc. to the t. In addition, Kroc was OCD about every aspect of the company and expanding it. He would even sweep up after long nights to ensure the appearance of the restaurant. In addition, he used his previous knowledge with multimixers and paper cups to add to his success of the McDonalds Corporation.
Part 3
Identify at least one part of the reading that was confusing to you.
I was semi confused about when Ray Kroc realized his was not profiting and had to renegotiate contracts with franchisee. He wanted to lower the McDonald's stake in the corporation and increase his. Kroc was power and money dominated.
Part 4
If you were able to ask two questions to the entrepreneur, what would you ask? Why?
  1. Did you smell like French fries and fried food every night? If so, how did you get the McDonald's stench off your clothes?
  2. How did you know that the brother's McDonald's restaurants were going to be an immediate hit in America?
I would ask him these questions because 1) all McDonald's have a specific smell and 2) he knew and believe instantly that this one company was going to a success. If you think about it, it took Kroc less than 30 years to transform one mom and pop restaurant into a global franchise. That is  incredible!
Part 5
For fun: what do you think the entrepreneur's opinion was of hard work? Do you share that opinion?
Hard work was what Ray Kroc lived by. He consumed himself day and night thinking, breathing, and building the McDonalds Franchise. Hard work gave Kroc a high. The success, the money, the national growth, and fame only aided to his enjoyment of hard work. I myself find satisfaction off my hard work, but I also do prioritize myself, my family, and friends before work. Kroc neglected his for work. I need time to breath, have fun, relax, and break from work. Kroc never did that. Every action, thought and idea was consumed on making McDonalds better and greater.

Friday, November 15, 2019

25A - What's Next?

What I Think Is Next:
I think the next step Zenergy should consider is expanding to other college campuses. As of now, most of these cities on have cycle class offered through their recreational center. In addition, expand the studio set up to include other stress relieving aspects - premade healthy food for those on the run like smoothies, message studio, a quiet room, etc. In addition, another expansion would include more diverse cycling classes that have weights or resistance bands involved.
Existing Market Interviews:
  1. One interviewer said there is a cycling studio like this back at her home town. She attends classes regularly and enjoys all the amenities provided. In Gainesville, she wants a studio like this. She believes the next step for Zenergy is to implement the cycling classes at other college campus. Or maybe patent the classes and sell specialized instructor certifications to college recreational center (similar to Zumba).
  2. The second interviewer is a current cycle participant of mine. She said she would stop attending cycle classes at Rec Sports and follow me to a new studio. She constantly says she does not know what to do after I graduate. She enjoys the special aspects of my classes like building community, working for a goal, and breathing. When asking her what should I be doing that I have planned yet she said providing a discount for factuality and staff at UF and the college campuses. Even though they receive an income, they can easily surpass this opportunity and just work out for free or at a minimal cost at Rec Sports. In what is next, she talked about setting the mood of the class with the use of lights and candles. For example, make the morning and late classes feel like the sun is either rising or setting.
  3. The last interviewer discussed using a competitive approach for some of the classes. Like at Orange Theory, there are leaderboards for performance. Some participants enjoy this aspect; while it causes others stress. To weight out performance and knowledge, somehow creating a report for the participants that displays their effort, RPMs, mileage, heart rage, and resistance. This can also serve as a bench mark for each class and to improve their cycling performance. In addition, their can be a meditative report which includes time spent cleaning their breath, focusing on good, and a nice quote to get their day started.
The feedback really let me see how I can leverage Zenergy in the future and to grow the company. Being able to target a diverse group of participants is key! The three interviewers all brought different aspects to think about!

What I think make most sense is focusing on key amenities of the studio to enhance. I like the idea of using lights. In the more meditative classes we can make it more of an outdoor feel and incorporate sunlight. Contrary, for the high intensity classes, the lighting can serve as a dance club vibe. In addition the second interviewer talking about the staff and offering them discounts is an easy approach to increase my customer base. I really like what the third interviewer talked about. It is a great idea but a lot of overhead and expenses would have be involved to implement it.

New Market:
A new market which I have not considered are our international students. The University of Florida has a diverse group of students. Many of them come from countries that speak different languages. It would be nice to have an instructor who speaks either Spanish, French, or another language frequently. They could offer their classes in their native tongue and use music from their home country. This would help eliminate the social stressor in their lives by helping them find community similar to theirs back at home. It is key to ensure all customers feel included in our studio.
New Market Interviews:
  1. The first interviewer said there might be a challenge to find instructors who speak another langue. Instead, she said to reach other to student international clubs and have them book at session and pick the songs they would like to listen to. Even though they speak another language, they are still in America and trying to learn English. The music will lead the way and the participants can get the ride they desire through the non verbal cues of the instructor.
  2. The second interviewer believes this is only a select group of students. He thought it would be a waste of time trying to reach out to this segment. Instead, maybe having an around the world themed ride. This would spread diversity through inclusion and allow all ethnicities to feel valued and represented.
The second interviewer brought a good point about analyzing the cost-benefit of focusing on such an individual market. I like his idea about an around the world themed ride. This market does not seem as attractive to my existing one. I think there is a better new market to target.
On the other hand, it is extremely important for my customers to feel valued and included. This is a consideration to consider. If you have any ideas, please comment below.

24A - Venture Capital No.1

Venture Capital No.1 - Zenergy Cycling Co. 
  • The opportunity is to create a Wellness Cycling Studio called Zenergy. This is a cycling studio which creates a dynamic form of group exercise that fuses indoor cycling with meditation and wellness. The environment promotes an uplifting culture on and off the bike. There are a diverse group of classes which caters to an individual's workout goals. Each class should leave the rider feeling  energized and rejuvenated. The main mission of these classes is to decrease stress and increase productivity. Since our mind and bodies are interconnected, this will allow one to find time to relive their stress.
  •  College Students have a need for this service. Currently, there are various pressures for these students to perform. 
  • The nature of this need is crucial because many times students do not pause and take time for themselves. Through exercise, one can focus on various dimension of wellness such as exercise, nutrition, mindful, and social. Exercise and wellness can help decrease mental health issues which are more relevant now compared to previous decades.
  • There are a multiple of factors creating the opportunity for this service. Besides the cry for help to increase awareness for mental health, our society   is pushing in living in a more sustainable environment where others are focusing more on their physical and mental health needs. Forces aiding to this movement are wearables, the demand for healthy foods, new exercise services, and health care costs. Another main force for college students is the continual increase in performance demanded by their institute despite society bringing more awareness to "mental health."
  • The main targeted customer group are college students from the University of Florida in the Gainesville. Besides students, professors, Gainesville locals, and any able body person are more than welcome to attend classes.
  • Currently, this demographic group are satisfying this need by taking group fitness classes at Rec Sports, going to YogaPod, and Orange Theory. As a whole, I would say out of all the students who try these services 20% are extremely loyal while 40% attend classes on a convenience base and the other 40% do not attend classes at all.
  • The opportunity to create a new and innovative cycling studio in Gainesville is somewhat big. Many students love cycling at a specific studio at home. Currently, the only place to attend cycle classes in Gainesville is at the Recreational Center. The classes offered her are great, but they do not provide the same quality of customer service and intimacy as boutique cycle classes. This window of opportunity is not opened for long. Gainesville has been rapidly growing and expanding. With this, there has been an increase in gyms and fitness related concepts. This past year they opened YogaPod, and now they are currently opening an Orange Theory.
  • For individuals with a limited budget, I will custom package bundles for students who show a valid student ID.  Each class individual will sell for $15. A package of 5 classes will cost $50, and the 10 class package will cost $85. In addition, we will have a monthly unlimited package opportunity which costs  $100/month. This prices of these classes still below market rate due to college students. First class is always free of charge.
  • For non students with a larger budget, they will abide to the market rate of classes. Each class individual will sell for $20. A package of 5 classes will cost $60, and the 10 class package will cost $100. In addition, we will have a monthly unlimited package opportunity which costs  $120/month. This prices of these classes still more affordable compared to other studios in the area.  First class is always free of charge.
  • Initial profits with sororities and fraternities would increase marketing and philanthropic efforts. We will contact these organizations to book customizable group rides at $10/person. The organizations can make song request. In addition, these rides can also be a fundraising event for a charity of choice.  I chose this market to start with because if one of these organizations partake in this service, it is extremely likely for others to follow this trend.
Venture Concept:
  • Students will buy my product if they are concerned with their mental and physical health. They will be able to attend classes on a weekly basis. We have a diverse schedule which will provide classes before classes, during lunch, and after classes. In addition, the studio will be located no more than 5-10 miles from the University.
  • Individuals with incomes my product to demonstrate community involvement and health awareness. In addition, they can promote this studio by word of mouth. Since there are many local health related restaurants and fitness clothing stores, there is potential for a joint marketing push. Consumers are looking to businesses to be responsible somehow, at Zenergy we offer a multiple of ways to give back to the Gainesville Community.
  • Sororities and Fraternities will buy these services because it does something good for them and their community. This is a new social initiative with brings awareness to mental health through exercise. A trend can be started here.
  • There will be a "switch" for customers to join Zenergy. The current cycle classes offered at for free through the Rec Center. To combat this, we are offering every first ride free. In addition, there are many discounts and advantages for students to attend these classes. For nonstudents, there is not a switch to start partaking in cycling since there are no other studios in the Gainesville Area. In all, we are keeping the costs relatively affordable because we know financials can aid as a stressor to mental health. 
  • Besides the Recreational Center, there are some other major competitors but they offer a different service. Currently, YogaPod, Orange Theory, and other gyms are competitors. They off a different form of group fitness compared to mine. These services have been offered to me, but I have not tried due to the pricing structure and better alternatives for group fitness.
  • Price points: This is very important for my services success. If I am too expensive, many students will not attend these classes. In addition, if my costs are too minimal I will not be able to profit.
  • Distribution: I would target Greek Life first to increase awareness of my product. Once a handful of organization have members attending my classes regularly, I will start bringing my glasses to Gainesville as a whole and team up with other local businesses. They can help advertise my company by putting flyers or coupons at company. This can help show their company is also dedicated to the mental and physical health of their clients. My logo will be unique and distinct so students can recognize it on stickers, shirts, etc. While I’m not expecting a lot of revenue from this last phase, it is important my services are recognized and build a positive community in and out of the studio.
  • Customer Service: Since the company is built upon care for mental and physical wellness friendly customer service is critical to the success of my operations. My instructors will go through auditions and interviews to ensure they are passionate about teaching and brining this mission / mindset to our community of riders.
  • Location: Close to college towns; Preferable 5-10 miles away from campus
  • Employees:  I’m estimating around 10 employees to begin with.
    • Me - Owner and Operator
      • I will conduct HR Recruiting
    • 4 other instructors to teach the classes.
    • Student Intern - Marketing:  Will be in charge of social media awareness, website, gaining customers from their collegiate organizations, etc. The brand and image is crucial to Zenergy's success.
    • 3 front desk / student ambassadors – these employees can seek student that relate to this concept. In addition, they will be responsible for the day to day operations of the studio - like cleaning, checking in riders, and providing positivity to others who enter our studio.
  • Unfair advantage:  I believe one of my best recourses is my established social capital. Currently, I already have an established network of cycle participants and cycle instructors. This leverages this business venture. I am able to gather feedback, try out this services, acquire employees, and create a community following before Zenergy is completely up and running. This unfair advantage is dependent on my "secret sauce" and how I interact with others. Since this resource is social capital, it can lead me to more clients, financial capital, knowledge, marketing coverage, and resources. These participants and Greek Life Contacts can and will be able to open doors to other contacts and perspectives I am currently unaware of.
  • What’s next: I want to spearhead charity rides based off of the University Athletic Teams. For example, having 15 football players ride in honor of Veterans. This will create amazing publicity for Zenergy, the team, and Dan Mullen.
  • For Me: As an entrepreneur, I love to tackle more health related issues in an innovative way. Each day I try to bring goodness into the world and make the day better than the last. In five years, I hope to be launching Zenergy in Tallahassee and targeting the students at Florida State. In 10 years, I want to have launched another studio through out Florida and potential at other SEC schools like Georgia, Auburn or Alabama.