Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Assignment 3A - Your Entrepreneurship Story

About Me!

Change can be good or bad. In my case, change has been good. And with good change, people ask “How did you do it?” & “What did you do?" To answer those questions, I decided to brand my thoughts, actions, and behaviors via an Instagram account called @ms_fit_foodie. With this account, I am a entrepreneur and target peers to prove change can be made with a genuine and authentic effort by eating healthy, workin gout, and living life to their fullest. My change occurred in my later high school years. I lost around 25lbs. And yes! I committed myself to live a healthy life which will sustain me for the years to come. I eat every meal, I cheat some times, but overall I am just living a healthy and balanced life style. The topics of eating, fitness, and living life should not come with pressures. Everyone is on personal journey. And with change, there must be a positive, personal, and intrinsic motivation to do better. Today in our society, social media alters minds to think weight loss happens from throwing up food, starving themselves to the bone, or changing their whole persona to be someone or thing they are not. This Instagram is to prove those perceptions to be wrong. In regards to fitness, I became a certified Group Fitness Instructor through the American Exercise Council and I teach cycle at Student Rec. Because of this skill set and certification, I am credible and knowledgeable on these topics and post many workouts to help one feel confident working out at the gym!  

Over the past couple of years, my content has been profitable. I have leverage this account to advertise Group Fitness Classes and enhance my cliental. In addition, multiple companies have reached out in regards of promoting their products. This service I provide has minimal costs associated with it. It is basically just me living my life!

In addition, I am a senior studying Accounting at the University of Florida and will be interning with EY next summer in Tampa. I am involved within RecSports as a cycle instructor and as their Board of Director’s chairman. In addition, I serve as a Panhellenic Councilor and as the Philanthropy chair to Alpha Delta Pi. With these time commitments, I decided to prolong my senior year and graduate in the Spring of 2020. Due to this, I had extra space in my schedule to pick up a 4 credit class. I wanted a flexible class with minimal exams and content I would be excited to learn about. Business processes and the business mindset intrigue me. As a future auditor, I will be working with management to transpose their systems and financial statements. Having this background knowledge in entrepreneurship will help allows me to see their perspective and how they conduct business. I am excited about this class and hope I can learn a lot about myself, my future, and becoming a entrepreneur.


  1. Hey Christina!
    I loved that you went into depth about your personal experience and how it made you an entrepreneur today! (I will be sure to give this page a follow, love fitness lifestyles!) Detailing a story can create more people to feel related to your business and the purpose of it, so this can lead to even more opportunities (such as getting your classmates to follow the page). I also like that you added you’re basically just living your life, because ultimately that’s exactly what you’re doing. Making your business something you enjoy and admire makes the overall job so much easier because it doesn’t even feel like you’re doing work. Good luck with your page and your internship next summer!

  2. Hi Christina, I definitely appreciate the fact that you were very open about your story, but also have been able to market yourself in a way that you have made your story profitable. Like Mr. Pryor said, this class is focused on the home grown business not the multi-billion dollar corporations, so seeing this was really refreshing and interesting to see someone actually in the field. While our stories differ, as an athlete I definitely value the healthy lifestyle component because it shows a commitment to being the best version of yourself on a daily, which I will always appreciate. I hope that you continue to grow a clientele and that this class gives you tips that you can actually use to further your business so that you can become as successful as possible.
