Thursday, September 19, 2019

Assignment 7A - Testing the Hypothesis, Part 1

Stress Management Techniques
Opportunity: According to, approximately 45% of college students said they experience more than average stress and 87% admit they have felt overwhelmed. This is due to lack of managing one’s unique set of stressors in relation to their mind and body.
The Who: College students
The What: Neglecting to manage factors associated with stress, such has finances, academics, health, family, and lack of sleep
The Why: This creates an imbalance of stressors in their life which can lead to underperformance and other mental challenges.
Testing “The Who” – Besides college students, there is a diverse group of individuals being affected by improperly managing their stress. This group ranges from young girls in high school, to males in college, to middle aged men and even mothers. According to, the highest average level of stress is found amongst millennials and Gen Zs. In fact, these groups of people are more likely to have received mental health care.
Testing “The What” The most common stressors for young adults is money, work, and then health related concerns. There are higher average level of stress for this age group people due to more dramatic news reports, high pressures at a young age when the brain is not fully developed, and the use technology/social media. Since there is more external factors and high pressures, many young adults neglect and forget how to manage their mind and body.
Testing “The Why” – The imbalance can create mental and physical disorders. The meal disorders consist of depression or anxiety, while the physical consist of improper nutrition creating high blood pressures, diabetes, and heart disease. Therefore, it is extremely important to balance life and give your body and mind the time and energy it needs to perform at its maximum potential.

1) Young Adult Female heavily involved on campus and about to enter into the workforce From this interview, I concluded many young adults wear wearables and technology to manage their stress by providing them with data on their heart rates, exercise goals, breathing, sleep, and other bodily functions. The wearables provided assistance to the body aspect on stress management. In addition to wearing a wearable, she manages her stress by running and being surrounding by her friends. The things more important in her life is her family, friends, and faith. In addition, she says exercises causes her the least stress; while academics causes the most.
2) Freshman Male College Student
Males and females cope and handle stress differently. I learned males have a lot of insecurities and do not know how to cope. Typically, males channel their emotions out in anger due to a fear of vulnerability. It is hard for one to vocally admit they are under stress. He says he tries to cope with stress by being with his friends. On the other hand, he also said it is hard for him to admit to his friends when he is not okay. The things most important in his life is his family, friends, and faith. In addition, she says exercises causes her the least stress; while his mental state causes the most stress.
3) Older Female Adult Working Full Time
I wanted to interview an older adult to compare and contrast their opinions on why this younger generation has higher levels of stress. She believes she has a grasp on stress management, but the next generations needs more assistance with it due to current pressures put on by themselves, parents and society. Specifically, she thinks college students do not know how to relax, put items in perspective, and disconnect. In addition, she concludes this generation has never been taught to daydreamed, spend time outdoors without structure, to pray/meditate, and just breathe. The things most important in his life is his faith and mental state. In addition, she says faith causes her the least stress; while finances and nutrition causes the most.
4) Young Adult Female in a College Sorority
In her interview, she says college pressures with academics put the most stress in her life. The pressures are increasing each year and makes it extremely complex for students to be human at times. The Universities have expectations and standards they want their students to meet. They set these standards for students to perform well, but in reality it becomes too strenuous. To cope with stress, she jogs, takes time for herself, and reads. The factors most important in her life is her family, friends, and faith; while faith causing her the least amount of stress.
5) Older Male About to Retire
Like the full time working female, I wanted to interview an older male to see his perspective on the topic. He started feeling stressed at the age of 19; when he just started college. He believes the college environment demands a lot of time due to heavy course load and extra curricular activities. It is hard to be constantly performing at a high level of standard. To cope, he prays and commits time to physical activity.  The factors most important in his life are faith, family, and friends, and faith. Faith causing him the least amount of stress and work the most.

What do you know about the opportunity that you didn't know before? 
Despite the average high level of stress in our environment, most people are content with the way they manage stress. They just like having different options to choose in managing stress.
Despite having little time for themselves, many involve themselves with an physical activity or a time of prayer and reflection. Combining meditation, faith, mind, with body and physical activity can empower others to feel stronger, to feel value, and to feel like they can manage their lives. People like to be involved with a sense of community and in college many can feel isolated. Creating an empowering community or workout which encompasses faith/meditation and physical activity will aid to the stress management ones needs.


  1. I admire this post so much. I really like how you discussed something that isn't brought up too much. I feel like we constantly are saying college students are stressed but there seems to never be a response. I loved yours! Meditation is so important for our bodies (if you're really interested watch the mind explained on netflix and watch the episode called mindfulness). Focusing on thoughts and being able to choose yours is vital for our physical health and mental, and the more focus and control we have, the better we can manage our stress.

  2. Christina,

    The response you got from the older female deeply resonated with me. I do believe all the statements she made are true and that most often we let society and ourselves put stress on us. But then I also agree with your reflection that including faith/meditation and physical activity will greatly aid with stress management. I think you're doing an amazing job and hope you keep up the great work!

  3. Hi Christina, I must say that the similarities between the topics we chose for this post were very similar in terms of our desire to aid in mental health improvement. It is a very serious topic and it is very interesting how the different walks of life presented had similarities in terms of stress influencers, which might just be a reflection of college. I like how this is catered to helping those just like us at the current moment, great idea.
